Disregard any problems or request I had in this blog:
I just put up a new blog that is a step by step guide for compiling fire fox (MineField) on windows xp home.
I am now going to update my processing.js blog with how I finally figured out(a lot of irc help) how to start the processing.js project, and with the help of
andors blog I should have my post of a concat() function done by this weekend.
************************************ OLD Disregard *****************************
I'm just keeping this so when I look back I can see how big a scrub I was ^^
Well I'm now focused on getting Fire Fox to compile on Windows. My plan is to have compiled Fire Fox on every major platform, Mac, Linux, Windows. So far I set up visual studio properly and have it patched with SP1 (what a pain in the @#$). I also ran the Mozillabuild 1.4 package with the instructions from mozilla.org and I'm happy to say there does not appear to be any errors with the prerequisites.
I have the shnazzy little shell window (feels so strange to see it on Win7) open, and mozillabuilder appears to have put all the files locally. I am now at what I think is my next step ... to create a make file. I will update my status once I get around this stage, for now this is my screen.
Any insight is welcome. Remember folks... sharing is caring :)
Updated/added Friday Oct. 2nd ***********************************************(below)
Continuing from my last post where I got up to the console window above.
I continued to follow the instructions on the bottom portion of the mozilla page.
When I typed the command below it got all the files off the mozilla server with this one command:
hg clone http://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/
It took a few minutes for it to do it's thing. Then I changed directory to mozilla-central
with the following command:
cd mozilla-central
The following commands I do not fully understand yet. I think they redirect
everything or add everything to mozconfig. Using echo allowed me to type it in one
line at a time:
echo '. $topsrcdir/browser/config/mozconfig' > mozconfig
echo 'mk_add_options MOZ_OBJDIR=@TOPSRCDIR@/objdir-ff-release' >> mozconfig
echo 'mk_add_options MOZ_MAKE_FLAGS="-j4"' >> mozconfig
Then the last command I wrote was:
make -f client.mk
(note: this took a few min to execute)
The console window showed I got these 2 errors:
Love your plan for building Fx cross-platform. You'll be the go-to guy for real-world testing ;)